Office Space in Town

Office Space in Town

20 St Dunstan's Hill, London EC3R 8HL,United Kingdom


Features offered by this workspace

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Virtual Office

Choose which of our office centres is right for you. This office address can then be used on your company stationery, emails, websites and collateral. You mail will be collected, scanned or posted to your nominated UK address. Benefit from personalised call answering and message taking with the ability to personalise and manage your own call management. Have access to a wide range of business support services and meeting rooms at member rates.

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What are the benefits of a virtual office?

How much does a virtual office cost?

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Can I use other locations aside from my virtual office?

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So floxx is a new platform designed to make it easy for small business owners on a budget to get access to workspace across the UK.

Whether it's to make your business look more professional, to meet new clients or to keep your home address off public records - we believe the current virtual office model is super outdated and fragmented.

Get access to a network of independent workspace providers

Manage your mail and users how you want

Upgrade, downgrade and switch easily